Professional Liability Insurance
If you are in the business of serving the needs of others, you probably understand the importance of having Professional Liability Insurance. As you know, the smallest mistakes can become complicated and costly.
Professional Liability Insurance is also known as Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance. If your service includes heavy paperwork, offering advice, making recommendations, designing solutions, or representing clients, this type of liability insurance is for you.
You more than likely already have General Liability Insurance. This policy offers protection from physical damage to a person or property. Professional Liability Insurance offers different protection, covering financial losses for other people due to your business actions (or lack of).
We can help serve all professionals, including:
- Real Estate Agents
- Property Managers
- Attorneys
- Accountants
- Consultants
- Technology, IT professionals
- Engineers, architects & more
Contact Us to learn more.
Our agency is licensed in the state of Montana.
Office Hours
- Monday-Thursday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Friday: 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Miles City
- 2610 Main Street
Miles City, MT 59301 - Phone: (406) 874-1804
- Alternate Number:
(800) 344-8254 - Fax: (406) 234-3320
- 116 S. Logan Avenue
Terry, MT 59349 - Phone: (406) 635-5555
- Alternate Number:
(844) 525-6102 - Fax: (406) 635-5781
- 1001 Main St. PO Box 103
Forsyth, MT 59327 - Phone: (406) 346-1196
- Alternate Number:
(406) 346-1197 - Fax: (406) 346-1197